The following is a recent testimony from a customer regarding their use of our Tamper Proof Security Screws.

Good Afternoon,

We have had a lot of customers skeptical and on the fence as to whether your high security fasteners  will this stop the theft problems of our ***redacted for confidentiality***.

I am happy to say that we can prove it does stop theft!

A project was hit a few weeks ago and the bad guys were foiled! Less than $100.00 in Loss Prevention Fasteners saved our customer about  $12k in replacement costs.

Another customer, who is our number customer, was hit last night!
Security screws
He had 8 regular bolts and regular nuts alternating with 8 Loss Prevention Fastener security bolts with T-Groove Nuts on our custom lid.

Every regular bolt was removed EXCEPT the security bolt & T-Groove Security Nuts. The criminals attempted filing or grinding  one of the security bolts but gave up.

They were stopped by your security fasteners. thank you!

We will be marketing our lids with your security bolts & T-Groove nuts to all our existing customers and new clients.

Our customers and the higher ups love our lids and are ecstatically happy with how much money they saved because the thieves could not access the contents of our device.

I wanted to take the time to thank you in helping us, help our customers.

This 8 bolt set up saved our #1 customer at least $10K of losses for ***redacted for confidentiality***  as well, saved them an astronomical amount of loss for down time and replacement costs.


Sincerely, JM